Sortable Objects
Advent of Code 2023 has just kicked off, and I'm going to try something a bit different this year, I'm going to try and share useful concepts and patterns that play a role in solving each day's puzzle.
Today, I wanted to talk about making your objects sortable and how you can use this to take advantage of the built-in sort functionality in your language of choice. This is an incredibly useful pattern to know about, and one which I found useful for Day 7 of Advent of Code 2023.
How Sorting Works
When it comes to sorting things, there are two main problems we face: deciding which order things should appear in, and then the algorithm used to perform the actual sorting. In most languages, the algorithm is already taken care of for us as part of the standard library (often implemented using a stable QuickSort) so the main thing we need to worry about is how to decide which order things should appear in.
In many cases, I find folks reaching for the ability to provide a custom sorting callback, which is great for quick and dirty once-off sorting, but when it comes to building reusable code, it can artificially result in a lot of code duplication.
Natively Orderable Objects
Of course, we know that for most language primitives (numbers and strings in particular) sorting "just works" without you needing to provide a custom sorting callback. In an ideal world, this is how our custom objects would work too, and fortunately, most languages provide a way to do just that.
In Rust, we can avail of the std::cmp::Ord
and std::cmp::PartialOrd
traits to describe how objects should be ordered. In trivial cases, you can use #[derive(...)]
to implement these, but let's talk about doing so explicitly.
Rust isn't the only language that supports this type of functionality, and you can achieve similar results in C# by implementing the IComparable
interface, in Python by implementing the __lt__
and __gt__
methods, and in Go by implementing the sort.Interface
Sorting enum
s in Rust
Let's start with a simple enum
which we want to be able to sort. In this case, we'll use a Direction
enum which represents the four cardinal directions.
enum Direction {
If we wanted to sort these in clockwise order, we could do so by implementing the std::cmp::Ord
trait ourselves, or we could instead use #[derive(...)]
and define constant values for our enum variants.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum Direction {
North = 0,
East = 1,
South = 2,
West = 3,
In order to implement Ord
you'll need to implement Eq
, same goes for PartialOrd
and PartialEq
. This is because Ord
and PartialOrd
are traits which extend Eq
and PartialEq
respectively, so you'll need to implement the base traits before you can implement the extended ones.
Sorting struct
s in Rust
Of course, not everything in Rust is an enum
, and we'll often want to sort struct
s too. Let's imagine that we've got a Complex
number type as shown below.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Complex {
real: f64,
imaginary: f64,
If we'd like to spiral-sort this (i.e. first by distance from the origin, then by angle), we would need to implement our own sort function to perform the necessary transforms. Let's do that, and take the time to implement this in a clean and reusable manner. We'll start by implementing support for converting our Complex
type to polar coordinates.
impl Complex {
pub fn new(real: f64, imaginary: f64) -> Self {
Self { real, imaginary }
pub fn to_polar(&self) -> (f64, f64) {
// Don't you just love Rust's lovely math extensions?
let r = (self.real.powi(2) + self.imaginary.powi(2)).sqrt();
let theta = self.imaginary.atan2(self.real);
(r, theta)
Now that we can easily retrieve the polar coordinates for our Complex
number, we can implement std::cmp::PartialOrd
for it.
impl std::cmd::PartialOrd for Complex {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
let (r1, theta1) = self.to_polar();
let (r2, theta2) = other.to_polar();
// First, compare the distance from the origin
let distance = r1.partial_cmp(&r2);
if distance != Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) {
return distance;
// If the distance is the same, compare the angle
With this, we can now easily sort our Complex
numbers using the built-in sort
let mut numbers = vec![
Complex::new(1.0, 1.0),
Complex::new(2.0, -1.5),
Complex::new(1.0, -1.0),
Complex::new(0.0, 0.0),
Complex::new(-1.0, -1.0),
Complex::new(-2.0, 1.5),
Complex::new(-1.0, 1.0),
// Sort the numbers by their position in the spiral
I find that incorporating this pattern can help significantly reduce the amount of duplicated sort code lying around your code bases and allows you to take advantage of built-in sort functionality for solving interesting problems (like ordering the winning hands in a game of cards).

Benjamin Pannell
Site Reliability Engineer, Microsoft
Dublin, Ireland